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Pearls & Hair
John Field
Although signed Miers under the bust-line, this small silhouette of a lady with upswept hair would have been painted by Miers’ assistant John Field. The two men worked together from a studio on the Strand but, although equally skilled, most of the work went out Miers name.
Dating to around 1810-1820, the silhouette resides in a gold locket frame with a surround of plaited brown hair and an outer border of split seed pearls. There is light dust under the glass and one missing pearl but none of this detracts from this sweet little locket.
Item Ref. C515
Size: 32 x 26mm
Provenance: Acquired for the Christies Collection in 1937 from W.J. ‘Polly’ Perkins
Exhibited: British Silhouette Artists & their Work, illus. p.52