Michael Allen of Devon

Abraham or Joseph Daniel


Wearing a brown coat and a powdered wig, this grey-eyed gentleman has an intent stare well-suited to the courtroom where he would have performed his role as a barrister at law. He has traditionally been named as Michael Allen of Coleridge House.

Born in Truro in 1749, Michael Allen was the eldest surviving son of John Allen and his wife Philippa Macarmick. He trained and worked as a barrister and in 1776 married Agnes Cornish. The couple had six daughters, including twins, and one son. It was through his wife that Michael inherited Coleridge House in Stockenham, Devon. Like his father before him, he was elected Mayor of Truro in 1773. Upon his death in February 1828 at the age of 79, he was described as “much respected”.

Along with their brother Phineas, Joseph and Abraham Daniel were taught painting by their mother and developed similar styles making it difficult to differentiate their portraits. They both worked in the south west, the area local to Michael Allen. The portrait is set in the original gold frame with a decorative lock of dark hair laid on opalescent glass within a glazed aperture on the reverse.

APHA Registered

Item Ref. 9050M

Size: framed, 75 x 62mm

Provenance: UK Private Collection